Ireland Visa Requirements

France student visa requirements
1. When you can apply

You can apply for a study visa if you are planning to come to Ireland to undertake a course of study for more than 3 months.

You are advised to familiarise yourself with our Policy on Non-EEA Nationals studying in Ireland and ensure that you fulfil the requirement of our policy before you make your visa application.

You can apply for a study visa up to 3 months before your date of travel to Ireland.

If you are visiting another State prior to travelling to Ireland, you must have the relevant visa for that State in your passport before applying for an Irish visa.

VFS is official partner of Embassy of Ireland in many countries globally and facilitates simple and easy visa and documentations services for Ireland. Below are important steps to ensure before applying for Ireland for Indian students.

2. How to Apply for a Student Visa for Ireland- India

Note: The visa checklist documents should be same for all nationalities. Visit VFS website of the country
you reside in to get additional information.

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